Saturday, July 16, 2005
oh crap they found the stash
I have a big ziploc bag(thanks Amy) in the freezer of those delicious little colored candies known as M&M's(the same ones i wanted to ping at the truckers) and the boys found them. G comes running in with this bag,Wy not far behind echoing his brothers every word.
"mom, why is there a bag of these in the freezer, can we have some?"
I had to compose myself while screaming on the inside have you gone mad children?, those are MINE MINE MINE!!! But replied with "maybe after dinner"(with no intention of giving them any,ever) and made note to self to find another hiding place for my treats.
They forgot about the candies and never asked for them after dinner. YIP-EE!! more for mommy!! YUM, love the chocolate. And i wonder why i have trouble sleeping at night, hmmm?
Confess, what goodies/treats do you hide from your kids and where do you hide it?
I obvisiously need a better hiding place.
Posted by Misti ::
12:02 AM ::
4 People having fun
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