Friday, July 15, 2005
This is for Jason
Blog name = Mrs Fun
# piercings = 2, one in each ear. do want to pierce my eyebrow very badly.
# tattoos = one and going to get another one once baby is weaned
height = 5'4"
hair color = blonde
siblings = depends on what you consider a sibling
children = 4
How old do you look = lets just say i don't get carded anymore :(
How old do you act = not my age
How old do you feel = 21
Do you have any pets = does a hermit crab count?
movie you rented = The Notebook
movie you bought = can't remember, think it was The Village via J's request
song you listened to = something by Jack Johnson
song that was stuck in your head = don't have one
cd you bought = Kenny Chesneys latest
tv show you've watched = Giants at Dodger
you have a secret crush = its not a secret, i married him
you wish you could live somewhere else = no on most days
you think about suicide = no
you believe in online dating = hey, whatever gets your goat.
others find you attractive = not sure, never asked them.
you like cleaning = if i am cranky or upset
you like roller coasters = yes, love them
long distance relationships = Against.
using someone = Against.
smoking = Against. its just going to kill you or your loved ones
Death penalty = can't say one way or the other.
ever lied to someone? = yes
ever been in a fist fight? = don't think so
ever passed out on a street from drinking too much? = no
ever told someone you loved them when you didnt? = No
ever cheated on a lover/spouse? = depends on how you define cheating???
ever cheated on a test? = yes
shoes do you wear most = flip flops
are you scared of = bugs,insects, the dark
do you want to be when you grow up = Haven't given it much thought, hmm don't plan on growing up *wink*
is your least favorite chore to do = cleaning the toliet
makes you the happiest = J,kids, family, working out
upsets you the most = immigration, racism and kids not listening to me!!
always makes you smile = My kids
of times I have been in love = true in love, once
of hearts I have broken = I know of just one, my ex-fiance
of people I can trust with my life with = i think 6, may be more.
of times my name has appeared in the newspaper = never
of scars on my body = none
of things in my past that I regret = no regrets. I am who i am because of my past.
of times I told people I loved them today = at least 5
pretty = no
funny = i can be
friendly = yes
amusing = only when i am making a fool of myself
ugly = no
loveable = yes
caring = yes
sweet = if i want to be
sensative = sometimes.
a putz = never
mean = the truth hurts
6 letter word = coffee
Candy = dark chocolate
Cartoon = can't say i have one
Cereal = kashi go lean or the one with flaxseed in it (escapes my mind right now)
Color = burgandy
Day of week = whatever day J has off
Season = spring
Movie = The Notebook was Field of Dreams
Book = The Left Behind Series
TV Channel = HGTV or TLC
Slept in your bed with you = J,Wy,G, and T
Saw you cry = J
Made you cry = mom
Yelled at you = nobody since yrs ago, i guess my mom oh no wait my ex.
Smiled at you = T
Kissed you = J (of course)
Gone out in public in your pajamas = does walking JJ to school count?
Kept a secret from everyone = yes
Wished you were the opposite sex = hell no
Stolen someones newspaper = when i was a teenager,yes.
Borrowed something never meaning to return it = no
Had sex with some one of the same sex = no
Do you believe in love at first sight = yes and no
Most important quality to you in a relationship is = trust, i suppose.
Who loves you most = yikes, my kids, my mom, J
Do you speak any other languages = no
Last flavor you tasted = coffee
Last noise you heard = Wy asking for milk
Last smell you sniffed = T's hair, oh love teh baby smell
Last meal you ate = bagel and grapes
Last beautiful thing you saw = my children
Last emotion you felt = joy
Favorite item in your home = console table
Worst feeling in the world = being heart broken
I Love ... my life
I Miss ... my mom
I Wish ... everyone would follow us here
I Hope ... my kids grow up to be respectful adults
I Want ... a suburban
I am ... easy going
I need ... to get back to the gym
I'd rather die than lick ... a piece of poo
Posted by Misti ::
11:58 AM ::
11 People having fun
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