Thursday, June 30, 2005
Tired,blurry eyed but excited.....
My aunt called last night as we were running out the door to the ballgame (DiamondBacks and Giants). She wanted me to help her out with a project with work. I couldn't say no so after the game I went to work untill 1:15AM *yawn*. I wasn't close to finished b/c my pictures are so unorganized (note to self~organize pictures)so this morning i was back at it again. The kids were really good but i feel like i could of done a better job. I wanted to order a photo diaper bag but stupid snapfish says my pictures are poor resolution *scratching my head and rubbing my eyes* i took them in 5mg's. how can this be? So i didn't get one. And she needs these things yesterday so no time to reshoot. I did try to transfer some old photos to my stick to change the mg's but my pc was freaking out.
So on to the ballgame.... We had a blast, it was T's first ballgame. He liked it untill the crowd got loud. Then he would freak out and start screaming. Poor little guy! We did end up leaving early because of this. The Giants were up 3-2. Not sure how it ended tho. Hope the Giants won.

Notice G's new frames.
I tried to get one of T but he was moving too much and they all came out a bit blurry.
Posted by Misti ::
10:19 AM ::
3 People having fun
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