Sunday, July 17, 2005
4 kids, 1 mom plus unexpected monsoon
Not what I call fun. Okay it was a little fun.Well, maybe just funny.My poor little lightweights were getting blown away. I ended up putting G in the cart, held Wy and put JJ inbetween me and the cart while we pushed our way to the car. Of course i had to park as far away as possible. Still not use to the bus. Oh and T was in the bjorn so he was strapped to me. We must of looked like a hoot. I get a good chuckle just thinking about it.

and for those that wanted to see a pic of my bus!! HOLLY HELL!! I have a suburban!! So crazy!

and one of my MANY favorite features is the pedal adjust. Oh i love it!!! And i love the little foot,lol.
Posted by Misti ::
6:24 PM ::
4 People having fun
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