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Life ain't always beautiful but it's a beautiful ride...

Monday, July 18, 2005

I *heart* U MOM and wiggle room

Ran across a couple pics that had me laughing. He had 3 people working on him at once. He was loving it. Hes an attention getter any way he can get it. I, of course, had to grab my camera. I was taking pics when the nieghbor said "turn around Wy" Oh , it doesn't get much cuter. Hopefully this doesn't mean a thing about his future tats *wink*

My original post was going to be about wiggle room.

J brought this home for the kids a couple weeks ago and tonight we finally got to use it. Oh what fun it is. Its goopy,sticky and messy in a clean way,lol. The boys had a riot with it.
J remembers it as a kid but i can't say i ever heard of anything like this untill he brought it home. And to to top it off it smells so good.

Posted by Misti :: 9:23 PM :: 5 People having fun

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