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Life ain't always beautiful but it's a beautiful ride...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I want one too....

Me~Do you want pink or orange?
Wy~ I want blue!!!!
Me~We only have pink or orange
Wy~ (jumping up and down excited as can be) I want a blue one!!
Me~ Wy, we only have pink or orange
Wy~ (as innocent as it gets) Do we have blue?
Me~ (trying to hold back laughter) I said we only have pink or orange,which flavor? PINK OR ORANGE??
Wy~ (with a sad face) We don't have any blue ?
Me~ Wyatt, i just said we have pink or orange
Wy~(staring at the pink and orange) I really wanted blue
Me~ We don't have blue, you don't have to have one but if you do its gotta be pink or orange.
Wy~I want pink.

Next time i'll buy blue :)

Posted by Misti :: 12:43 PM :: 7 People having fun

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