Tuesday, August 02, 2005
J took the truck today
Wouldn't it figure that after we trade the van in for the truck his car dies *rolleyes* So hes been riding his motorcycle to work. Well its 105 here on a cool day so the poor guy sweats all the way there and home. Last night i was feeling nice and in the cleaning mood. So i told him "hey, i don't have anywhere to go tomorrow, so you can take the burb(yes, we call it the burb) to work" As soon as i said it i regretted it. I started to feel trapped already. The fact is since 1998 when we became a two car family i have been able to come and go as I please. Today I can't. I have no where to be or any errands that must be done today but i have this overwhelming feeling to get out of the house. Run the errands that can wait for tomorrow.
So why is that when you can't do something you have a desire to do it? I should take today and get the kids rooms back in order, laundry done and house dusted. The baby is sleeping, the boys are playing legos, JJ is reading a book and here i sit. I look around, this desk could use some help. Should i try to help it? Yes i should but why? Its just going to get messy and unorganized in a couple days.
Posted by Misti ::
11:51 AM ::
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