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Life ain't always beautiful but it's a beautiful ride...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

First steps towards independence...

May you grow,learn,laugh lots,cry less and have lots of fun.

I sent my third baby off to preschool today. There were no tears not even a "mommy, can you please stay with me?" He was ready to let me go as I was him. This is the child that makes me want to pull my hair out, throw things and sometimes scream out SHUT UP!! Of course I don't do any of these things but man sometimes I am this - - close to it. But then he smiles at me and says something so cute like "when I grow up I am going to marry you,right mommy" and I find myself kissing his soft cheeks and hugging that sweet little guy.
I am looking foward to watching him grow and make his own friends. If I find friendship in another parent it would be a bonus.
I am realizing that each child is their own person and just when you think you got this parenting thing figured out WHACK! and you are right back where you started.

Posted by Misti :: 9:23 PM :: 2 People having fun

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