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Life ain't always beautiful but it's a beautiful ride...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Thank Goodness I Have Good Coffee

And I thought life was crazy before. The trip was fun. Didn't get to the beach. The rain and sick kids made it impossible.I highly discourage anyone from traveling with sick kids. Did get to enjoy Balboa Park though. That place is amazing.
T is needing breathing treatments every four hours and Wy's night terrors don't seem to be easing up. The house is a disorganized mess. I haven't slept more than 5 hours a night in over 2 weeks and thats not 5 straight hours.
But i am still here and thought I would let the blog world know.
My head is barely sticking out from the pile of laundry and papers that clutter this house.I find myself getting everything half done before I am needed by someone to do something else. So I stop what I am doing and do a breathing treatment,nurse a baby,change a diaper,wipe a butt, find a shoe, make lunch,read a book, clean up lunch, go to dance, T-ball practice, check homework, make dinner,read a book, get a tickle in, change a diaper,clean up dinner, nurse a baby and by the time I get back to what I was doing it its been undone *sigh*
If you know a professional organizer that works for free send them my way *wink*

Here are just a few of favorites pics I took on our trip.

Posted by Misti :: 10:07 PM :: 9 People having fun

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