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Life ain't always beautiful but it's a beautiful ride...

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Its actually going in the right direction........

The last two nights T hasn't nursed untill 3AM. Last night he fell out of bed and thats the only reason he nursed. Then at 6AM he fell out of bed again *sigh* so he nursed again. Thankfully theres big pillows on the ground and he didn't get hurt either time just scared. Yesterday he went untill 3PM before I had him nurse to relieve the pain. He probably could of went longer. But I couldn't move my right arm, my boob was hurting so freaking bad.
So its not as hard as I thought it would be. After hes completely night weaned its on to getting him to sleep in his own bed *sniff sniff*.Last night Wy, T and I went to Babies R Us to get Wy a boosterseat. They didn't have the one I want but they did have one of those bears with the womb sound. I bought it in hopes that it will help T sleep(and it seemed to help last night). I also broke down and bought a new baby monitor. Ours dosn't work and that was just another excuse I was using to not put T in with the boys.
My baby is growing up and I have such mixed emotions about it. I thought we would nurse untill 18 months and here we are at 12 months weaning. *crying into my coffee* But I know its what needs to be done because I need more sleep and so does he.

Posted by Misti :: 8:06 AM :: 6 People having fun

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