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Life ain't always beautiful but it's a beautiful ride...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

First day of school jitters

The backpacks and lunch boxes are labeled, school supplies set out ,organized in bags~two for JJ one for G, clothes are out and nerves are going crazy. But they are my nerves not the kids nerves.
I am so nervous for them. I know JJ is going to love it. We found out her teacher is Ms. R. Late last year I went to JJ's teacher and requested that JJ not be placed in a class with a certian friend. I explained that this girl had called and left a disrespectful messages on our answering machine. JJ's teacher was shocked but said she would see what she could do. I heard nothing about it after that. Well, they aren't in the same class this year *happy dance* I got caught doing taht *happy dance* in front of the girls mother. So i tried to cover myself and do another *happy dance* about something else. Not sure she bought it but I don't care. I don't want my daughter around her daughter. I think shes a bit "old" for her age and I am trying my darndest to keep JJ a little girl as long as possible.
G starts all day kindergarten tomorrow. What a long day for such a little guy. He has to eat lunch without me or anyone else hes met before that day. I am so sad. I am doing my best to put on my brave face and be excited about this in front of him. Meanwhile, on the inside my stomach is in knots, my heart feels heavy and tears fill my eyes. Please don't let him see me cry tomorrow. Mr. Fun is staying with him the first 75 minutes of the day and then hes on his own. Oh i am going to be one big ball of nerves untill tomorrow afternoon. I am just hoping he has a great first day and adjust quickly to the all day schedule.

And somebody please tell me I am not the only parent that gets the first day jitters for their kids.

Posted by Misti :: 3:51 PM :: 11 People having fun

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